Thursday, November 28, 2013


Recently i have been observing my little daughter and she takes out time to keep a journal entry in a dairy which she has(thought its not online she has to write it down literally without any auto-correct) and she does it so nice and tidy I was wondering after getting addicted to the micro-blogging site (which again i have not be using it extensively @vivekhs ) why can't do it?

And today i read this Quote:

"Change is Hardest at the beginning, messiest at the middle, and BEST at the end" - Robin Sharma

So, i thought let me re-start 'caus its always feels good to start sometime fresh/new and i definitely know its going to be "Hardest" but let me not sit back and cry later ;) what say ?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Great Malnad Challenge (GMC) 2013

Earlier i had mentioned that by doing brevet 200k i had raised the bar for myself( ).  This time i thought of pushing my limits and decided to go for GMC(Great Malnad Challenge).  And i want to say that i have successfully completed it.

Its a 9 day cycling event in the mist of the western ghats in karnataka, India with the wildest terrain and highest peaks.

See the pictures over here:  (More detailed writeup coming soon ... watch out)